Reopening of the official site of Berliti

Reopening of the official site of Berliti
Reopening of the official painter's website Max Berliti. In this brand new website, you'll have the possibility to navigate very easily between the different pages of this web-gallery. However, you'll be able to visualize a part of his creations as well as a short biography. With his new blog (where you are at the moment), You will be aware about the different events Max berliti is participating in, additionally you have the oportunity to read articles and reviews about the artist. You'll also have a selection of his "best pick" (music, video, painting), and different photographs around his art orhis pleasures.
by Sonia Lister


Olivia said...

J'adore le travail de cet artiste, je le trouve, vraiment passionnant. Bravo!

Anonymous said...

Un personnage envoûtant avec un putain de talent!!!